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Physics Optional for CS Mains



  • bhai physics se koi select hua hai , kaisa result hai is baar ???
    DIAS students have better idea .
  • I m in with physics
  • I m in with physics
  • I m in with physics
    All the best!!
    Get selected and make this thread proud.
  • What is the total strength of Class in DIAS ?
  • I m in with physics
    Sources referred?
  • The following material and books are on sale for Physics Optional. Selling as changed my optional.

    1. Abhijeet Agarwal, Complete notes Printed and Spiralled: Rs800
    2. Brilliant Toutorials, Complete Printed Material and Spiralled: Rs500

    All the books are almost new and untouched.
    1. HC Verma, Quantum Physics :250
    2. Griffiths, Electrodynamics :250
    3. Satya Prakash, Heat and Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics : 250
    4. Sears and Salinger, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics :250
    5. Arther Beiser, Modern Physics :300
    6. Ajoy Ghatak, Optics :350
    7. Physics Previous Year Papers,:40
    8. Atomic and Molecular Spectra, Lasers, RajKumar: 300
    9. Mechanics by DS Mathur: 350
    10. Kreyszig, Advanced Mathematics:300
    11. Klepner and Kolenkov, Mechanics:300

    Anybody who is interested in buying the above, would be better if you are in Delhi as I wont be doing any courier.
    Will also pass on the Topic Wise Tutorial sheets from DIAS to anyone who buys these books.

    Location: You will have to come to Old Rajnder Nagar to pick them up.

  • Does anybody know the average marks of a student of DIAS Academy ?
    If I have 12 months of time for Physics preparation and am also a graduate in Physics (though an average one), should I join DIAS ?
    I have interest in the subject and am also familiar with the syllabus but I have 6.2 cpi.
    I am willing to give my time to Physics as an optional. I just want to get assured that even if I have an average exam in Mains, I will atleast get around 200-210 marks.
  • Does anybody know the average marks of a student of DIAS Academy ?
    If I have 12 months of time for Physics preparation and am also a graduate in Physics (though an average one), should I join DIAS ?
    I have interest in the subject and am also familiar with the syllabus but I have 6.2 cpi.
    I am willing to give my time to Physics as an optional. I just want to get assured that even if I have an average exam in Mains, I will atleast get around 200-210 marks.
    All your demands can be fulfilled with this optional. Only thing that it takes is a lot of time to prepare in depth. As DIAS is the only coaching for Physics optional, you should join it. It will help you in restricting yourself to the demand of the exam, otherwise the syllabus appears vast if you would prepare on your own.
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