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[CSM 2016] Analysis - Experience - Difficulty Level - Expected Cutoff (V 2.0)



  • edited February 2017
    Zukkerburg invented Facebook to become friends with Sameer Kulkarni
  • Zukkerburg invented Facebook to become friends with Sameer Kulkarni
    Sk drank coconut juice at night, and in the morning he gave coconuts B)
  • I have no chances of making it to the final list and I am going through hell at my work place, but these sameer kulkarni jokes made my day....
    SK can make your day , night and year
  • Sameer kulkarni doesnt use his hands to play playstation games. He himself goes inside the game and plays himself.
  • @summary sheet sameer kulkarni
    If sameer kulkarni was a Spartan in the movie 300, the movie would be called 1.
    When sameer kulkarni turned 18, his parents moved out.
    Modi ji, this was so hilarious..
    Sameer Kulkarnis's car uses co2 and releases petrol.. :D
    wtf :D
    You won’t need to charge your mobile if you have SK jokes in it.
    sameer kulkarni flickered pangea once and it converted into continents.
    Sameer Kulkarnis's car uses co2 and releases petrol.. :D
    Once sameer kulkarni was playing cricket in the monsoons.. . and the Rain was cancelled due to the Match..!!
    :D :D
  • Sameer kulkarni creates GRAVITATIONAL WAVES when he claps
    we all create these waves when we clap,though they are undetectable.
    Sameer kulkarni. . ki intensity vali mahi . ..
  • To de-stress you all, here is a picture of a Baklava Wearing a Balaclava While Playing a Balalaika on Black Lava.

  • shankar advaita vedanta says, - brahman itself is SK
  • Sameer Kulkarni can put a chicken back inside the egg

  • Stop this SK comics... Nothing creative in this... Everything copied from net... If u ppl are so serious pls create a separate thread... Those who are visiting forum to get any hint of result do not enjoy these.... Pls post only any info reg mains result if u have any... This is getting irritating...
    Why so serious?
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