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Philosophy optional mains 2016 - discussion, progress, doubts, sources, answer writing, etc



  • Aristotle doubt:
    Form+matter makes substance. Suppose a piece of marble to be made into a statue by an artist. Material is marble chunk and form is idea of artist. According to potentiality this form exist in marble and artist both. Can two separate substances, individual and marble, share same attribute I.e. Form
    Can two substances be so related? They are supposed to be independently real!
    @Chomuphilosopher and others
    Form does not exist in marble befor it is actualised. Evolution happens for the love of form. Before actualisation, form exists only in the mind
    @forward Bhai thanks for replying. Yar Donald palmer(page 77) says it exist in marble "potentially" and hence confusion.
    @lonely_monk_126 sir.
    as far as my understanding goes; a/c to Aristotle, form can never be separated from matter (except Prime mover)....recall indivisible and relative arguments....
    so yes, form does exist in the marble chunk potentially ( a remote but not exact comparison can be made from Satkaryavada of Sankhya -> effect implicitly exists in the cause)
    'form' in the mind of the sculptor guides and gives the implicit or potential form hidden in the marble chunk, its final shape; that's why Aristotle doesn't make any categorical difference between formal, efficient and final causes.
  • Aristotle doubt:
    Form+matter makes substance. Suppose a piece of marble to be made into a statue by an artist. Material is marble chunk and form is idea of artist. According to potentiality this form exist in marble and artist both. Can two separate substances, individual and marble, share same attribute I.e. Form
    Can two substances be so related? They are supposed to be independently real!
    @Chomuphilosopher and others
    Form does not exist in marble befor it is actualised. Evolution happens for the love of form. Before actualisation, form exists only in the mind
    @forward Bhai thanks for replying. Yar Donald palmer(page 77) says it exist in marble "potentially" and hence confusion.
    @lonely_monk_126 sir.
    as far as my understanding goes; a/c to Aristotle, form can never be separated from matter (except Prime mover)....recall indivisible and relative arguments....
    so yes, form does exist in the marble chunk potentially ( a remote but not exact comparison can be made from Satkaryavada of Sankhya -> effect implicitly exists in the cause)
    'form' in the mind of the sculptor guides and gives the implicit or potential form hidden in the marble chunk, its final shape; that's why Aristotle doesn't make any categorical difference between formal, efficient and final causes.
    perfect sir. thanks a lot.
  • Substance has been variously defined by Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, Vaisesikas etc. Broadly we can understand substance as an ontic category in which qualities and actions inhere. In our language, substance is always a subject and never a predicate.

    With this understanding, we can generally say that soul or ego or self or mind or 'I' is category of being in which conscious qualities like pain, pleasure etc inhere.
    thank you bhai ....bas last one how rationalism culminates into dogmatism.


    Descartes deduced criterion of truth on the basis of method of doubts as ''anything known distinctly and clearly is truth'
    But knowledge in experience of objects is not distinct and clear. Thus only reason can provide certain knowledge on the basis of innate ideas and axioms.

    Empiricist esp Hume say that this leads to dogmatism in two ways

    1. Ability of reason/mind to provide certain knowledge has not been sufficiently analysed
    2. Innate ideas have not been proved.

    For these 2 reasons, empiricist hold rationalist as dogmatist.
    But Kant has defended rationalism against attacks of empiricism.
    Kant says that ability of reason to establish itself cannot be questioned before it ventures out to start this task.

  • Bhai koi ye batado.... 'Are necessary propositions linguistic by nature?'
    Actually the whole theory ' linguistic theory of necessary proposition' clear nahi hai...also quine's refutation of it
  • edited October 2016
  • pratitya samutpada how is this middle path of satkaryavada and asatkaryavada? ( middle path of eternalism and nihilism to samajh mein aata hai) but not sure how is this middle path of satkaryavada and asatkaryavada ( read in mitra's notes somewhere)
  • @forward plz help if u can with question posted earlier
  • @Aynrand
    Uska post kiya tha. But forum ne uski dot bana di.
  • @Aynrand
    Uska post kiya tha. But forum ne uski dot bana di.
    Bhai plz try to post it again..... Thnx
  • Bhai koi ye batado.... 'Are necessary propositions linguistic by nature?'
    Actually the whole theory ' linguistic theory of necessary proposition' clear nahi hai...also quine's refutation of it
    LP had problem of explaining necessary proposition
    being empricists they had to explaing necesary propositions like - bachelor is an unmarried man
    hume had already shown the futility of showing necessity using induction - even if n-1 cases are true , nth may be wrong
    so LP explains necessary propositions using meaning of the word - here analiticity explains both necessity and apriori of any satatement
    bachelor = unmarid man
    those who know the meaning of these word will get the necessity of " bachelor is an unmaried man"

    quines opposition

    all necessary knowledge including logic must arise form linguistic conventions , but the nature in which we derive necessity from language itself logical -- this shows circularity

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