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I need Arihant Political science book.

edited March 2015 in Political Science
I need Arihant Political science book which is objective questions oriented and it was in the market till 2008. After dis-continuation of preliminary exam it is out of market. Where I can get xerox or original? It is urgent for JRF purpose.


  • edited March 2015
    I bought it recently from flipkart, you can find it there. Search for ND Arora.
  • @randomguy_ I doubt that is the book I am looking for. It is preliminary question papers with short solutions in field of political science.
  • edited March 2015
    @satyaki There are two ND Arora. One for mains and one for prelims where there are "short" chapters followed by 50-100 questions. The one with the orange cover is the objective one. I am pretty sure you can find it at one of the bookshops in ORN, or ask them to get it.
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