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Doubt regarding geography study materials

How important is to study from Savindra Singh. The reason for asking this is that I find this book very uninspiring and not much thought provoking. I enjoyed reading Strahler (Physical) and Trujilo ( oceonaography). But I could not answer questions like ingrained meander and sirocco in csm because these were not mentioned in Strahler. So this makes me wonder that some more source is required to answer such questions.

In nutshell:
1. what are the sets of authoritative textbooks in Geography (Paper 1) and (paper 2) for comprehensive preparation?
2 .Is savindra Singh and Khullar indespensable. If not better authoritative alternatives?
3. Is it advisable to have Neetu Singh's notes as reference


  • hello friends iam non geography optional candidate . can any on tell me important topics in social geography for prilims
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