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Do you belive in Astrology?

I am atheist. I don't belive in astrology,mantra tantra and Kundali. But today one tantrik told my colleague watching his hand abt his past life like he had deadly fights for 3 times, he has disease of itching in his knee, they are three brothers,he tried to attempt sucide for his gf.... etc. Now here is pool of bright and intelligent people. Let me take this opportunity to know how is it possible? Is astrology real? Do you belive? Am I wrong to be an Atheist?


  • edited December 2014
    I am NOT an atheist . I am a devotee of Lord Hanuman and Lord Kaal Bhairav.......but I do NOT at all believe in Astrology ....

    Do Not relate theism with Astrology .

    Realm of Theism is much much bigger and much pious than Astrology.
  • new optional?
  • yes i believe in astrology but not in astrologers.
  • @stupidneuron - no bhai there is nothing wrong in being an atheist, n since atheism is all about rationality and developing scientific temper, i guess u r nt wrong.

    Now coming to this astrology, lemme share you my incident, i was in class 10th in 2006 n got a chance to represent my school in national geography olympiad, n there i met a 60+ man, a proff. In geology,( he was a respected member there n was a member of delegation which usually visits african and european university, i still remember he was fond of block mountains )and he told us that this astrological charts n all, positions of planets during the time of our birth, actually controls our actions and thoughts, well to what extent it can't be determined.
    Every planets has some specific emissions which regulates our life cycle, to what extent, nt sure.
    Well he gave a long speech, n i can't recollect everything coz its been almost 8 years n i was too busy in sharing glances with a cute girl from bhopal.

    Anyways, personally i feel it may have some weight, yet can't exactly tell coz i hav nrva experienced the same.thanks fr asking this question, eva such thoughts pop up in my mind too
  • edited December 2014
    I am fan of Sherlock Holmes.Don't watch movies,read few of his novels than you will understand what is astrology.

    Btw, i can predict that you are bit confused though truthful type of personality,am i right?
  • edited December 2014
    I am fan of Sherlock Holmes.Don't watch movies,read few of his novels than you will understand what is astrology.

    Btw, i can predict that you are bit confused though truthful type of personality,i am right?
    +1 haha logic of deduction ..i am sherlock fan too

    pls tell about my personality too..
    last time i remember you asked me about matrix and neo questions..what was that for ?,btw
  • @vkk - bhai plzzz any prediction abt me
  • @aamengineer

    You have everything that a successful person needs but just lack of positive energy is hindering your personality.
  • edited December 2014

    You have everything that a successful person needs but just lack of positive energy is hindering your personality.
    haha...yeah true....i have low self esteem..anyway thanks ..will try to improve..
  • I believe in Princeton :

    "Astrology is considered a pseudoscience or superstition by the scientific community, which sees a lack of statistically significant astrological predictions, while psychology explains much of the continued faith in astrology as a matter of cognitive biases."
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