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Correct Approach for Passages Questions in Prelims

edited June 2014 in CSAT
well upsc just released the marks of all candidates, I got 237(103+134.33) and cut off was 241.
In paper2 i was able to attempt only 66 questions and i know thats too low....and i think that my strategy for passage was slow.
Here is my strategy which i followed last year(however,it increases accuracy,only 2 questions were wrong + i made some blunders in maths):
Read the passage word by word, underline important words ,try to underline minimum words. This is your first reading.
Again read the passage but his time only words. This will give u a clear picture of the passage

***No additional notes on the side of the paper just underline***
Now start solving Questions.
I used this approach and most of the questions were correct.
I left 1 passage and some passage questions due to lack of time.
Please give me suggestion to improve this or some other strategy .....since it is important to score around 170 marks in paper2 otherwise everybody knows what will happen...

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