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What are the Best Ways To Stay Motivated In This Pandemic

With the SARS Covid-19 pandemic spreading like wildfire across the globe, the mental health of people is deteriorating due to numerous factors- job loss, recession, market crash, survival issues, food scarcity, lockdown, and whatnot. People are becoming stressed and depressed more than often. These observations are quite evident in the reports published by numerous organizations which have resulted in increased domestic violence cases across the globe. Proper and regular doses of motivation such as Motivational stories in Hindi or any other language are required in this pandemic to overcome such challenges. So here are few ways to keep you pumped up with motivation in this time of crisis:

Read Books: One of the best ways to utilize this time and keep you motivated at the same time is reading books. These books can be related to any new skill or project you wish to develop or fiction/ non-fiction to make yourself comfortable. You can also look out for motivational books or self-help books like Success Mantra by Amaresh Jha which teaches about self-confidence and motivation amongst people to achieve desired levels of success in their lives. Motivational Books also teach about how to build a better life through Motivational stories in Hindi and other languages.

Watch motivational videos: It’s normal to get some motivation from the hub of content, YouTube. You can find your type of motivation in the YouTube videos in desired languages such as Hindi, Tamil, and even Regional languages. For instance, you can look up to Youtube channel Amaresh Jha for interesting motivational videos. Influencers are also catering rich content to people which can be very beneficial.

Stay in Touch: Staying in touch with your loved ones, family, and friends through video conferencing will help you to stay afloat in this pandemic and ensure that you don’t succumb to depression. These people will make you rejoice and cherish your life so that you can work with new energy. Watching them facing the same set of problems makes us feel equal and worry less about ourselves.

Listen to Podcasts: There is an infinite number of resourceful podcasts waiting for you on the internet. These podcasts cover almost every topic in the world from business to science, depression to motivation, success, food, and whatnot. Listening to favourite music also brings new vibes in life and a much-needed boost to restart.

Prepare a schedule: While the majority of us are worried about the pandemic and not giving enough time to our daily activities; we should prepare a timetable such that we reserve 10-15 minutes for worrying daily. This will ensure that time is not wasted in getting acquainted with the news of pandemic. You can set a timer for a task that will be performed for only 10 minutes. As soon as the deadline is reached, you will continue to work, which will give you a much needed motivational boost.

Being Humble: While you are now working in an entirely new environment, i.e. work from home, you have to understand neither you nor your family is prepared for it. Disturbances and unpleasant circumstances may occur, but it is vital to comprehend that new things take time. Be humble enough to forgive people for their mistakes. Comprehending behavioural traits and patterns will come to aid in doing that. If you don’t commit any unpleasant activities, then you will not regret and thus will stay motivated.

Finding your Drums: Every human born in this world is unique in terms of personality and characteristic traits. Hence, the key factors that will motivate a person to execute a task are also different. Therefore, people ought to find their motivators in life though introspection. You need to find the drums that inspire you to wage war against your inner pessimism.

You can easily find such motivational content on the website of one of the most popular Hindi motivational speakers across the nation, i.e. Amaresh Jha. Surely the time isn’t easy but, this time is not permanent, it too will pass. It is time we need to stick to our positive mindset and thinking.


  • edited June 2020
    Motivation is a mental state characterised by positive attributes like high drive, zest, optimism, and enthusiasm. It is a prerequisite for achieving success in life. A sufficiently motivated person can move mountains, pierce the skies, snatch life out of Hades' hands, and rock the Indraprastha. Conversely, absence of motivation can hamper an individual from achieving his true potential , even if the individual is equipped with all the tools required for success in modern capitalistic societies. Therefore, it is imperative that we teach our citizens, from as early an age as possible, the techniques of staying motivated through highs and lows of life. 

    The first step towards living a highly motivated existence begins with cultivating an attitude of 'Enlightened Apathy' towards society. This is required because society is saturated with Dukkha/Misery. An empathic individual will get bogged down and overwhelmed with degree of misery that permeates society, and will never be able to focus on important things in life consisting of but not restricted to buying an iphone,getting a wicked package during placements, driving a car, eating truffles, going on a vacation in some southeast asian country and so forth. 

    The second step consist in surrounding oneself with PosiLit ,PosiMil, and PosiSoc. Let me explain. PosiLit refers to positive literature written by self-help gurus and spiritual sensei like Robin Sharma, Jay Shetty, Sandeep Maheshwari and so on. The main characteristic of this literature is its ability to instantaneously uplift your mood and instilling hope that finally your search for panacea to all your problems is over. This feeling will last precisely for as long a period as it takes to finish these books , which in most cases doesn't take more than 3 days. If you want the effect to last longer, you need to focus on the second element which is surrounding yourself with PosMil aka Positive Millenials. PosiMil are a unique breed of humans , you can easily identify the organisms of this breed by looking for special characteristics like their music preferences, their hairstyle, their dressing sense, their attitude etc. PosiMil will always be seen in groups , they are highly enthused, their conversations are punctuated with words like weed, chill, scene, yo, bruh, awesome, cool. Further, to keep in touch with them you will have to be active on PosiSoc aka Positive social media, where they will give regular updates on how blessed they are, how 'cool' their life is, where they went for their vacation, their token concern for social issues , where they will post their picture perfect photographs with equally perfect captions. In short, this step complements the first step by substituting a complex societal sphere infused with Dukkha with a flattened societal sphere infused with exuberance and joy.

    To get access to the complete article sign up for our newsletter. We will also provide yu with addon resources to awaken your slumbering spiritual beast to help you conquer the day and make you say Carpe Diem !
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