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2nd hand IMS Maths Optional books available in Bangalore

Selling my set of IMS Math Optional notes in Bangalore for INR.1500 (non-negotiable). Reason is I am changing my optional. Condition of the books is almost untouched.
You will need to bring a luggage bag for taking the books.
Please message me for contact/address info.

List of Books offered
Book 1:- Functions of several variables: Multiple integrals and their application.
Book 2:- Partial differential equations, Numerical Analysis
Book 3:- Real Number system
Book 4:- Mechanics.
Book 5:- Vector Spaces
Book 6:- Vector Analysis, Vector Calculus;
Book 7:- Interpolation
Book 8:- Groups, Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Isomorphisms of groups
Book 9:- Rings, Domains
Book 10:- Statics (Virtual work, Stable and unstable equilibrium, Strings in two dimensions)
Book 11:- Matrices
Book 12:-Linear Programming
Book 13:- Riemann Integral, Beta And Gamma Function
Book 14:-Sphere
Book 15:-Differential Equation
Book 16:-Complex Analysis
Book 17:- Statics
Book 18: -Kinematics: Mechanics: Fluid Dynamics

There are 2 additional books:
IMS Test Series 2009
IMS Test Series 2010

Imgur Link to images of books
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