Contact: 9911616337 (WhatsApp only)
Class XI and XII NCERT Books:
Geography (Both Old and New)
- Modern India
- Themes in World History
- Contemporary World History - Arjun Dev (Old NCERT)
- Ancient India - Ram Lal Sharma (Old NCERT)
- An Introduction to Indian Art
General Studies:
- Indian Polity - Laxmikant
- Introduction to constitution of India - DD Basu
- Indian Economy - Ramesh Singh
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography - Goh Chen leong
- Orient School Atlas
- Oxford School Atlas
- India Since Independence - Bipin Chandra, Mukherjee (Fat one)
- India's Struggle for Independence - Bipin Chandra
- Modern India (Spectrum)
- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude - G Subba Rao, Chowdhary
- Lexicon Ethics
- 20 years CSAT - General Studies
- Objective Indian Polity - Laxmikant
- Environment - Shankar IAS (2 copies)
Sociology Optional:
- Vajiram - Mahapatra Notes
- Upendra IAS Notes
- IGNOU Notes
- Essential Sociology - Nitin Sangwan
- Sociology Themes and Persepectives - Haralambos and Holborn
- Sociology Themes and Persepectives - Haralambos and Heald (Orange Book)
- Indian Sociological Thought - B K Nagla
- Fundamentals of Sociology - P Gisbert
- Social Change - M N Srinivas
- Sociological Theory - Ritzer
- Social Problems in India - Ram Ahuja
- Sociology - Giddens
Old NCERT Sociology Class XI and Class XII
New NCERT Sociology Class XI and Class XII
- Social Change and Development in India
- Indian Society
- Understanding Society
Maths Optional:
IMS Notes
Krishna Series:
- Vector Calculus
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus
- ntegral Calculus - I
- Complex Analysis
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Rigid Dynamics
- Linear Programming
- Analytical geometry - 3D
Brilliant Mathematics - Algebra
- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations - Raisinghania (S Chand)
- Fluid Dynamics - Raisinghania (S Chand)
- Analytical Solid Geometry - Shanti Narayan and Mittal (S Chand)
- Elements of Real Analysis - Shanti Narayan and Raisinghania (S Chand)
- A course on mathematical analysis - Shanti Narayan and Mittal (S Chand)
- Numerical Methods - Jain and Iyengar
- Schaum's Vector Analysis
- A course on Abstract Algebra - Khanna and Bhambhri
- Topics in Algebra - I N Herstein
- Higher Engineering Mathematics - B S Grewal
- Mathematical Analysis - S C Malik and Arora
- Solid Geometry - P N Chatterjee (Rajhans)
Contact: 9911616337 (WhatsApp only)
Old Rajinder Nagar