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Forestry and Agricultural Engineering reference books (IFoS exam) for at 65% discount prices on MRP

I have bought new books for forestry and Agricultural Engineering. But, could not prepare/give the exam.So, they are brand new books.

I'm selling the books at 35% of the MRP(no bargaining pls). I stay in Mumbai. So, you can collect at the doorstep too. Else, courier charges extra.

[[[[ Agricultural Engineering optional ]]]]]
1. Land and water Management Engineering (Rs.475 * 0.35 = Rs. 165)
2. Unit Operations of Agricultural Processing (Rs.525 * .35 = Rs.180)
3. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (Rs.500 * .35 = Rs.175)
4. Non-conventional energy sources (RS.449*.35=Rs.155)
5. Principles and practices of Agricultural structures and environmental control (Rs.320 * .35 = Rs.110)
6. Elements of Agricultural Engineering (Rs.200 * .35 = Rs.70)

[[[[[[ Forestry optional ]]]]]]
1. Forest Management by Ram Prakash (Rs.840 * .35 = Rs. 295)
2. Theory & Practice of Indian Silvicultural systems (Rs.975 * .35 = Rs.340)

Both optionals combined is around Rs.1500.

Interested ppl can send a mail to
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