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Insights 2020 textbook based test series sharing

I have purchased the testseries.. And want to share the cost burden.. if anyone interested for 2500 can contact on WhatsApp 9675652302


  • I have purchased the testseries.. And want to share the cost burden.. if anyone interested for 2500 can contact on WhatsApp 9675652302
    I am assuming you are new here as well as to preparation. If you have begun something, especially civil services preparation, and if you really want to make it, focus on doing your tests well and still better discuss questions.

    Since you have signed up for a book based test, I am assuming you are a complete beginner. In such a scenario, the steps should be on studying , preparing and forming peer groups if needed. Given that you are sharing your number on a platform from where it cannot be deleted , you will end up selling it instead of sharing it. Those are two different things.

    Kindly avoid this to get into trouble.
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