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CSE 2018 - Interview preparation



  • please suggest me a book to start preparation for rajasthan home state
  • Confused over IFS or IPS as 2nd choice. Any suggestions?
    Pros/cons I meant.
    To be honest there is no point in IFS as a second preference... IFS as a second pref makes the DAF a bit direction less...
  • Confused over IFS or IPS as 2nd choice. Any suggestions?
    Pros/cons I meant.
    To be honest there is no point in IFS as a second preference... IFS as a second pref makes the DAF a bit direction less...
    Please can you elaborate @Lost_Heroes. Also what do you suggest then?
  • Has the UPSC site been hacked again or sth.? Showing error msg on opening.
  • What's the most preferred order of services after top 5?
  • i am planning to organise few personalized sessions with some retd. officers, retd. LBSNAA faculty etc. i am in touch with few of them. if anyone wants to join the group. inbox me.
  • any telegram group for PSIR?
  • Guys any idea which institutes are offering online Mock interviews apart from Next ias and forum ias?
  • Does Any senior player has an idea about good institutes for mock interviews in Hyderabad?
  • Confused over IFS or IPS as 2nd choice. Any suggestions?
    It’s too personal a choice.

    Last year 120s ranked ppl have got IFS, while IAS service allocation stopped at 100s rank. It’s against older wisdom where IFS was always filled way before IAS.

    You can ofc put IFS as second choice. It has great career prospects and is completely insulated from state politics. IPS has hectic schedule in their initial appointments and is constantly engaged in reining in their subordinates to ensure there is no collusion and corruption at local level.

    On other hand, IPS is so intimately connected with local populace. There is a great scope for delivering justice to vulnerable sections. There is ofc pride wearing the uniform.

    And IPS has foreign exposure when she works in IB or RAW.

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