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Let's Guess the cut off of MAINS 2018 with some reason



  • Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
    I hope you are correct. ATB
  • edited December 2018
  • Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
    :D bas dont change your id after that
    Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
    :D just dont chng your profile again after that
  • Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
    :D bas dont change your id after that<blockquote class="Quote"

    Please don't fuck backs (backchodi mat karo)
  • Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
    :D bas dont change your id after that

  • Brace yourselves. I was waiting for confirmation since morning. It is confirmed now. Result is tomorrow. 99%. Very minute 1% chance that it will extend to Friday. All the best everyone. May the best ones clear!!
  • Ultimate level ka trolling ho rha.

    Aaj se apun bhi tumhari party m :trollface:
  • 820+
    Tingg ho jaega itne m toh :trollface:
  • 820+
    Tingg ho jaega itne m toh :trollface:
    Tingg ho jaega itne m toh :trollface:
    Tingg ho jaega itne m toh :trollface:
    Mera to tan tana tan tan tan tara bhi go jaega baba
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