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Radha Aribam

Hi Guys,
I am writing mains this year and my optional study is slightly chaotic, I have coaching notes of synergy(mohanti class) and I am OK in it, but the problem is that Synergy hasnt covered all the topics of P-1 and P-2, so for those topics I have to do detailed study from other books make notes out of them and I feel that this will leave me less time of revision and answer writing practice for mains, After pre I havent finished revision of even Paper 1 due to it. So, I wanted to know how Aribam's book can help in this regard. Guys who have that book or who have studied a couple of chapters only those should express their opinion on this. Veteran also please guide in this.

Also guys I read FADIA for the missing topics, Is it a bad book because I see several guys saying sharma& sadana is better and lucid than FADIA.



  • Hi Guys,
    I am writing mains this year and my optional study is slightly chaotic, I have coaching notes of synergy(mohanti class) and I am OK in it, but the problem is that Synergy hasnt covered all the topics of P-1 and P-2, so for those topics I have to do detailed study from other books make notes out of them and I feel that this will leave me less time of revision and answer writing practice for mains, After pre I havent finished revision of even Paper 1 due to it. So, I wanted to know how Aribam's book can help in this regard. Guys who have that book or who have studied a couple of chapters only those should express their opinion on this. Veteran also please guide in this.

    Also guys I read FADIA for the missing topics, Is it a bad book because I see several guys saying sharma& sadana is better and lucid than FADIA.

    anyone guys plz respond to this query...
  • Hi Guys,
    I am writing mains this year and my optional study is slightly chaotic, I have coaching notes of synergy(mohanti class) and I am OK in it, but the problem is that Synergy hasnt covered all the topics of P-1 and P-2, so for those topics I have to do detailed study from other books make notes out of them and I feel that this will leave me less time of revision and answer writing practice for mains, After pre I havent finished revision of even Paper 1 due to it. So, I wanted to know how Aribam's book can help in this regard. Guys who have that book or who have studied a couple of chapters only those should express their opinion on this. Veteran also please guide in this.

    Also guys I read FADIA for the missing topics, Is it a bad book because I see several guys saying sharma& sadana is better and lucid than FADIA.

    anyone guys plz respond to this query...
    Aribam is good for covering all those topics which are scattered across many sources.I have done Accountability and control, Organisation,systems and contingency from Aribam.The content is not of very good quality but you have to go for "satisficing" :wink:
  • Regarding Fadia vs sadana,all these fat books are more or less similar.Pick anyone but it is better to cover concise sources such as notes+mohit Bhattacharya+aribam
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