Hi Guys,
I am writing mains this year and my optional study is slightly chaotic, I have coaching notes of synergy(mohanti class) and I am OK in it, but the problem is that Synergy hasnt covered all the topics of P-1 and P-2, so for those topics I have to do detailed study from other books make notes out of them and I feel that this will leave me less time of revision and answer writing practice for mains, After pre I havent finished revision of even Paper 1 due to it. So, I wanted to know how Aribam's book can help in this regard. Guys who have that book or who have studied a couple of chapters only those should express their opinion on this. Veteran also please guide in this.
Also guys I read FADIA for the missing topics, Is it a bad book because I see several guys saying sharma& sadana is better and lucid than FADIA.