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Which material || keywords of gs-2, gs-3 syllabus

Hey all, i wanted to ask that i am not getting any material which can be referred for purpose of (keywords of )society portion of gs mains paper 1 and (keywords of)gs mains paper 2 and gs mains paper 3 keywords, i.e. just 2-3 pages on each keyword mentioned in the syllabus....

I found gs score material to be alright for gs mains paper 4 keywords,.....

Can anyone please suggest to me any coaching material which would have 2-3 pages on each keyword mentioned in syllabus of gs mains paper 2 and gs mains paper 3....

Also, why is gs score material not available freely on internet for download....

Best regards


  • Does gs score even publish material on gs mains paper 2 and gs mains paper 3 or not..

    Also, do other institutes like khan study group, etc. release material of gs mains or not...
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