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Leaving Pub Ad for other optionals

Switching from Public Administration to another optional

* Couldn't clear mains this time with pub Ad (4th attempt, given 2 interviews before) despite expecting better performance than last time when I cleared mains. Suspecting foul play from GS as well

* Thinking of switching to Anthropology or Political Science, given that I have to prepare while doing job.

ANTHRO- static syllabus, short syllabus, have checked previous years q papers, DOable.

POL SCI- good performance, similarity with GS, Pub Ad. Interest in IR.
(cons)-> will take more time, already not much time left for 2018 exam.

CONS of both - have heard both these optionals have not done that good this time, but same is the case with pubAd.

Please help me decide by giving inputs, although I am gathering info from various sources.
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