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Help - Anthro Optional for mains ?

edited December 2017 in Anthropology
Dear All,
Let me congratulate this forum admin and members for wonderful community
As The Game of UPSC began for me long ago with many UPs and Downs.
I am confuse with Anthropology Vs Psychology which one to choose for Mains 2018 or 2019 .
I read forum for choosing optional but now a days i am not aware about current trends.( as i saw what happened with Public Admin few years back).
I will be working professional ( Non Govt ) so need to assess practicality for mains for both subject .
I am aware about INTEREST is prime mover for selection for Subject.Looking at lack of time i have. I would need your view on same,
Please do share view on,Anthropology
1.How much time it will need to complete subject End to End (Full syllabus ) ( i did not read both subject before)
2.How subject are performing in mains since last 2 years ?
3.For working professional Anthro subject you would suggest ?( as time constrain is major parameter here)
4. Anthro- I read conflicting views on subject likes 1. Syllabus is small ? 2, Syllabus looks small but its not so in reality ? 3. Its scoring ?( Sorry for this .. but cant resist temptation )

Best of Luck.


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