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Review of

Going to buy Neetu Singh Geography optional notes.
How's paper quality,?
And it's worth for price?
I think notes will not suffice standard books.
Ur opinion friends?


  • Flavido is very unprofessional. But since they have monopoly, we have no choice
  • I recently ordered some notes from flavido.. insights monthly booklets and sriram economics notes etc... Paper quality and prints are fair enough...order was delivered in 3 days.. What actually pained me was delivery charges of 400 on the order of 1100 rs.
    There are other delhi shops which provides courier services. I ordered my optional notes from these shops. Calling ordering confirmations depositing money to their account seems extra work to me. I have their contacts if u want I can provide u. I preferred to flavido...placing order is easy there.
    I suggest you to buy notes get all the information of syllabus at a can highlight texts at least nd add further important notes in margin of notes.
  • Contact info required. @Princess_anna
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