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Zoology optional for UPSC IAS and IFS strategy and study plan for 2018

When we select zoology as an optional the first question come to our mind is will it be easy and will I get guidance as both looks difficult. I have tried to take an initiative and have an answer to this question myself.
Yes, it’s easy as it has static syllabus and many repeating questions every year. But the main task will be to cover whole syllabus. which is bit difficult because non availability of comprehensive course material.

well I have started a comprehensive study plan for zoology optional which is an attempt to make studying zoology easier. You can join telegram channel ZOOLOGY UPSC IFS ( and for active discussion telegram group ZOOLOGY UPSC IFS (

I have started to add notes from 03 December 2017. My contact number is 9049992362 in case you are interested to participate in the study plan and give suggestions.
On forumias we will try to improve strategy and discussion about the zoology.


  • its very difficult to get marks in csm zoology and now they are going for unconventional areas.its very good for ifos but for csm the marks have been decreasing over the years.
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