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Which notes to follow for optional geography??

Need a serious discussion about which notes and books are must to complete the syllabus of geography optional in sufficient way.


  • purchase Neetu Singh / Shabbir Sir notes.
    online Available from flavido store or else purchase from any book shop of Delhi
  • Need a serious discussion about which notes and books are must to complete the syllabus of geography optional in sufficient way.
    (1)Physical geography by savindra Singh
    (2) Rupa made simple Economic and social Geography and physical geography.
    (3) Evolution of Geographical thought by majid Hussain (selective reading)
    (4) human geography by majid Hussain (selective reading)
    (5) models and theories in Human geography by majid Hussain or book on same topic by K Siddhartha.
    (6) India a comprehensive Geography by D T Khullar
    (7) Shabbir sir's Geography optional printed notes/ class notes.
    (8) spectrum geography guide book (only for those topics which are missing in standard books)
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