i have written mains with maths as my optional in 2016, so i have some materials left that i need to get done away with...actually both my room partner and i have had maths as our optional...we are left with:
a)Previous years solutions..8 out of 13 chapters...5 more on way as he is writing mains this year
b) Ims notes..fresh, no marks
@1700 if in delhi...if outside postal charges extra..
c) krishna series books...ready to sell
@60% of print price, they are as good as new..except for 3d geometry which i can sell at 50% print price..(u can check for yourself before buying)
d) m d raisinghania..differential equations, real analysis...(
@60% print price..very new)
e malik arora..abstract algebra...purchased 3 months back..as new as it can be (65% print price)
f) brilliant series..for linear algebra, real analysis(65% print price)
g) schaum series for vector algebra (60% print price)
anybody if interested, m ready to help out..u may wassap me