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Is it a wise idea to join a test series now without having started Geography optional?

I have only finished climatology and geomorphology so far (no Geo coaching) (but have completed major static portions of GS1-2-3). I am appearing for Prelims 2017 (my first attempt). So I have only 4-5 months to devote to my optional till October (irrespective of whether I clear prelims or not). Would it be possible to match the pace of their test series considering I have not touched 80% of the syllabus? Or should I complete my syllabus first till prelims and practice from papers available in market?

Additionally are there any good test series after prelims? (Shabbir/Himanshu/Majid/Neetu sir/ma'am)

Side note: I had messaged some people with a similar query and got extremely kind replies. However I think it would have been better to ask a question (it's a forum after all)
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