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Wanted: Krishna series books + P N Chatterjee + IMS notes

Hi guys, anyone willing to sell their
1. Krishna Series books- Statics, dynamics, Vector Calculus, complex analysis
2. P.N Chatterjee - Analytical geometry
3. IMS notes

Mob :08420341613


  • HII . I am from DELHI and have the following books for selling purpose for math optional of upsc . I am attaching the pics of the books attached . The price of the books are :-
    1) krishnA Linear Algebra- 200.
    2)krisha analytical geometry - 250
    3) krishna solid geometry-160
    4)Analytical geometry-santi narayan-275.
    THE krishna books and santi narayan boook on 3d are more than sufficient for 3D and u don't need to refer P.n chaterjee
    5)krisna intergral calculus- 340
    6) Schaum series-COMPLEX ANALYSIS- By Lipschutz A FAMOUS MUST BOOK FOR COMPLEX ANALYSIS . AMAZON PRICE is 1128. but willl give at a very low price dont worry.
    All the books are in extremely brand new like condition. Dont worry about price . call on -09132787527 those who are interested .
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