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Anyatakhaytivada- does Jnanalakshana perception defends Nyaya theory of error successfully?

edited September 2016 in Philosophy
Anyatakhaytivada- does Jnanalakshana error defends Nyaya theory of perception successfully? if not why cant we depend upon extra ordinary perception to justify Nyaya theory of error ( cant find this in any book or material.. ) someone please clarify @forward


  • Nyay Karika defines perception as: Indriyarth Sannikars......
    That is, knowledge that arises out of direct sense object contact....
    Similarly, Vishwanath defines perception as ''knowledge that is direct and not derived from any other knowledge''

    However, in explaining Jnanlakshan Pratyaksh, Nyay involves memory object apart from the present object which is in direct contact with the senses.
    Nyay abandons its own definition of perception in accepting jnanlakshan pratyaksh.

    Moreover, by involving subjective memory object which depends on the mind, Nyay abandons its realism to that extent.

    Hence jnanlakshan pratyaksh is inconsistent

    Sorry bhai, chrome not working, so using phone
  • @forward thanks guru for the reply :)
  • @forward yaar iska bhi bata do.. c.d sharma mein to i couldnt find "‘Our knowledge is confined to gunas alone’. Examine this statement in the light of Vaisesika and Buddhist controversy"
    Do we have to link Universal with Guna and then take it forward from there? for Nyaya Universal resides in Gunna but for Buddhist, universal is not a separate eternal reality. All that we get is quality of the object and nothing universaL?
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