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Geography vs. Mathematics - Optional Dilemma

Dear Friends

Request your valuable suggestions considering below points:
  • My Graduation subject as well as Post Graduation subject are not included in the applicable list of Optionals.
  • I have started my Preparation from Apr'16 onward.
  • My age permits me 2016-2018 i.e. 3 attempts max.
  • I love to study Physical Geography and somewhat Maths too.
  • I have very poor writing skills.

According to my present knowledge, Advantage of Geo over Maths-
  1. Considerable overlap with Prelim, GS 1 and GS 3.
  2. Easy availability of materials and guidance.
  3. No Specific study is required for Paper 2.
  4. Normally everyone get average marks.
  5. It is safe, if there are good chances of Optional removal.

And, According to my present knowledge, Advantage of Maths over Geo-
  1. Questions are predictable and 70-80% repeated.
  2. Once prepared, will serve in next attempts with minimal revision.
  3. Comparison will be among lesser number of people.
  4. Writing skills play limited role.
  5. One can get 'Huge' marks.

I have given this year's prelims but chances are slim.

Kindly spare few moments from your Mains' preparation.



  • How practical is it to study Maths at my hometown without any coaching, considering Books and Notes can be downloaded/delivered.

    Maths Optional guys without Coaching, please reply.
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