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Yojana Mag. Jan '16 to latest.

I need yojana mag. from Jan '16 onwards in hard copy. Most bookshops in Jaipur either don't have it or have June, July issues. How can I get them. Is there any bookshop here from where I can get it. Please tell some bookshops in delhi (phone no. if possible) from where I can get them couriered.


  • edited August 2016
    I need yojana mag. from Jan '16 onwards in hard copy. Most bookshops in Jaipur either don't have it or have June, July issues. How can I get them. Is there any bookshop here from where I can get it. Please tell some bookshops in delhi (phone no. if possible) from where I can get them couriered.
    take a print out. ROI is not good for yojana
  • I need yojana mag. from Jan '16 onwards in hard copy. Most bookshops in Jaipur either don't have it or have June, July issues. How can I get them. Is there any bookshop here from where I can get it. Please tell some bookshops in delhi (phone no. if possible) from where I can get them couriered.
    you can look into gist by insights for earlier magazines if you are not hell bent on reading them in & out . This time issues have been largely general like on social sectors like health, education therefore it will not drastically enhance your knowledge.
    To get back dated yojana will be difficult to get in jaipur. Your best bet is to get it photocopy from other ias aspirant & for future subscribe online - its cheap, convenient way.
  • edited August 2016
    I need yojana mag. from Jan '16 onwards in hard copy. Most bookshops in Jaipur either don't have it or have June, July issues. How can I get them. Is there any bookshop here from where I can get it. Please tell some bookshops in delhi (phone no. if possible) from where I can get them couriered.
    I have Yojana only upto Apr 2016. I can courier these to you if you want. Leave a PM in my inbox with your mobile number and address. It will be fine even if you pay me only for the courier charges.

    I also have the Kurukshetra and EPW editions too. Please let me know if u need them.

    Don't have a 2nd thought in ur mind about my intention to send u these magazines. The only reason is that i won't clear the cut-off this time and its my last attempt. So these are of no use to me now.

  • I need yojana mag. from Jan '16 onwards in hard copy. Most bookshops in Jaipur either don't have it or have June, July issues. How can I get them. Is there any bookshop here from where I can get it. Please tell some bookshops in delhi (phone no. if possible) from where I can get them couriered.
    I have Yojana only upto Apr 2016. I can courier these to you if you want. Leave a PM in my inbox with your mobile number and address. It will be fine even if you pay me only for the courier charges.

    I also have the Kurukshetra and EPW editions too. Please let me know if u need them.

    Don't have a 2nd thought in ur mind about my intention to send u these magazines. The only reason is that i won't clear the cut-off this time and its my last attempt. So these are of no use to me now.

    Thanks alot :)
    I had asked one of my friends to get them xeroxed. I will ask him if he is done and let you know by today. One again thanks and all the best for future endeavors :smile:
  • @Retrospect bhai he got them xeroxed. i should have little more patience. Anyways thanks again.
    @DrKingSchultz please close this thread.
  • edited August 2016
    Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr issues available on official website itself-
  • @hope16 What is the portals name to online subscribe the yojana recently launched?
  • @hope16 What is the portals name to online subscribe the yojana recently launched?
    Someone mentioned on forum. Sorry I don't remember. Will let you know in case I come across.
This discussion has been closed.


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