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Recent Supreme Court Judgements for Paper 1 Conti part.

This is a thread for compiling only the recent supreme court judgements which are important for paper 1 of law optional.

1. Dont post older landmark cases as we already have them well covered in books.
2. Dont post filler conversation, will only make copy pasting difficult for us later.
3. --- mentions some judgements for 2015, we need some newer ones that have happened since jan 2016.
4. For example-Harish Rawat UoI: order in may 2016- touches article 356.


  • 19 july : couldnt find exact citation

    Matrimonial disputes can be transferred out of JnK as speedy trial- part of A 21.
    SC invoked a 136 and A 142. Negated the argument that CrPC doesnt apply to JnK.
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