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discussion regarding to syllabus

Here I am bit confused about syllabus ..for example if I take one topic that is education,question here is that now what to prepare from education like problem of education sector in India ,primary education,regulation problem etc,etc.
Can anyone elaborate it


  • universalization of pe,ssa,rmsa,rte,providing access to education, education of girl,teacher training, infrastructure, it in school,innovation in pedagogy,role of private sector,fdi,research initiative, equity n quality in higher edu,status of technical edu,edu n job,quality of edu,teacher's mulitasking role in edu from toilet cleaning to cooking,online edu,low salary,atithi sikhsak,ind vs world edu,case study of famous model of edu in any indian state etc. plus current affair from the hindu,ie,live mint.
  • Ok and for national security what source should I follow .tell me guys and how to prepare this topic also
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