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[Geography] Why would enclosed sea in lower latitutudes have higher temp than open seas?

Also the enclosed seas in higher latitutdes are cooler than open seas.

This is mentioned in NCERT XI.
Any idea, why? Anything to add to this explanation?

My take:
As The land in the lower latitudes has high temp, so the surrounding seas have more contact with the high temp land thus have high temp in themselves.
The land in higher latitudes is of lower temp, so surrounding seas will have lower temp than open seas.


  • Yes. Apart from unequal distribution of land and water which I guess is the dominant reason, the lack of mixing of ocean currents due to its enclosed nature also contributes to the above phenomena.

    Similar thing takes place in case of salinity as well.
  • @hrishi12091985
    Can you give examples of a closed sea?
    We are not talking about bigger lakes here(Caspian), right?

    Arabian Sea, Black Sea can be considered a Closed Sea and Philippine Sea, east of Philippines an Open sea?
  • Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Dead Sea are all examples of enclosed sea. I am not sure of Adriatic Sea though.
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