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  • Hello everyone, I've recently shifted from ORN to Patna. Where can I find study material such as vision, insights , yojna magazine and similar stuff .
    Why you shifted
  • Hello everyone, I've recently shifted from ORN to Patna. Where can I find study material such as vision, insights , yojna magazine and similar stuff .
    Why you shifted
    bhai, it will be better to fix a xerox / printing shop and get whatever you want printed from there. I shifted from Patna to ORN recently bro :(
  • I shifted to Patna due to family concerns. But I'm looking ahead to move back to Delhi after Prelims . Anyone willing to meet for group studies or test paper discussions in Patna ?
  • Use iRevise android app to make notes and study
  • Coming to PATNA in June after leaving my job to prepare for UPSC. Will boring road be good to reside?
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