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[CSE 2015] Result countdown and related discussions. Last lap.



  • @Akatsuki
    I started from the most basic to the most important:
    1. Extent of student politics - how much entanglement with political issues etc is desirable
    2. Role of Universities esp Vibrant ones in maintaining discipline while maintaining freedom of speech - role of Proctorial Committee
    3. The red line behind which police would come.
    4. Most importantly, addition law

    @VanHelsing thank u, fingers crossed :)
    thanx bro
  • @ChoroKaRaja I said that I like the unfolding of the mysteries. From nothing to everything, it's a delight to watch. Piece by piece, evidence by evidence, it keeps one engaged.
    And crime dramas essentially focus on problem solving capability, which is required in all the services, including the police services. :)
  • well done and SHABASH yoga123...well delivered, you will definitely cross 200....thanks for sharing your experience.It helps a of luck.
  • @ChoroKaRaja I said that I like the unfolding of the mysteries. From nothing to everything, it's a delight to watch. Piece by piece, evidence by evidence, it keeps one engaged.
    And crime dramas essentially focus on problem solving capability, which is required in all the services, including the police services. :)
    good logical answer under that pressure :)
  • @warrior0602 thanks. But truth be told, I had anticipated this question and had prepared an answer :D
  • @aatharva thanks a lot for your kind words :)
  • Nybdy got david's board?
  • @yoga123 Nice answers. Hope I could also give such logical and structured answers :smile:
  • @stuartLittle buddy can u plz tell d medical examination process...
    thnk u.
  • @stuartLittle buddy can u plz tell d medical examination process...
    thnk u.</blockquote
    There is blood test, x-ray, bmi test, eye test, blood pressure etc and one more test ..
    U need to take three copies of attendance slip and 6 photographs with yourself. That's it.
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