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Geography Optional Last Year Papers' doubts

Hi, I have been trying to solve the last year papers for the optional and I have a lot of doubts. Couldn't find any discussion where they could be solved.
So please contribute!

Q.1 . Similarities in the population distribution of southern continents and reasons for the same.


  • edited January 2016
    1. In southern continents like south America south Africa and Australia are less densely populated and the majority of population live in peripheral area i.e along the coast.
    2. In these areas it was the European colonizer who got settled and indigenous tribe have been marginalised.
    3. These continents are characterized by favourable population resource ratio, in fact they are underpopulated.
    4. Most people follow Christianity as they are descended of European coloniser.

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  • Which one is better among Orient Blackswan Atlas and Oxford Student Atlas?If possible why?
  • @MissionLBSNAA buy both. Blackswan is better for world and oxford for india
  • @MissionLBSNAA buy both. Blackswan is better for world and oxford for india
    thanks for reply
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