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Why Sub Tropical Ridge forms frequent fogs and haze ?

@All Gyaanis

@Babur @trying_tobawesm @Neyawn @Wolverine8997 @Etat @hummingbird

Why Sub Tropical Ridge forms frequent fogs and haze ?


  • Subtropical ridge lies in the area near the 30 degree north and south latitudes .
    the reasons for forming frequent fog and haze in the region is due to its location factor and anthropogenic alike

    These are is situated near the subtropical high , which results is calm weather condition and often referred as Horse Latitude .

    also due to the stability of the high pressure cell , there is a minimum cloud cover over the region .

    Both these conditions are determining factor for high isolation during daytime which increases the moisture and very high rate of radiation in the nigh , accompanied by very less wind speed the air mass cools very quickly near the ground level and forms fog.

    Also the area sees mixing of two different type of air mass , moist tropical and dry subtropical that keeps on maintaining the required moisture , in regions where the land and see breeze mixes or there is convergence of cold and hot air mass there is intense fog formation like , cost of california.

    apart from these these are have seen very high human development , industrialization and urbanization , which have increased the polluting particle the stabilty of atmosphere have helped formed haze and smog . like eastern china , Taiwan etc.
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