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Inishts test series review. sad first experience.(Mods this is for students and insight team also)

This is solely my experience and others are free to form their own. i hope Insights team will look into the matter and work for a better experience. The other students who are planning to invest their money in insight test series. you go through the review and make your choice. Firstly the level of questions were good, but many questions had options that were repeated and i encountered one such question where answer options were missing. Also, i marked answer to a question and later corrected it (marked different option), but pdf analysis had my previous answer marked. So, i don't know what to say about this error.
Also the pdf analysis that is provided has a lot of errors, explanation of one answer is given in other and other's explanation is missing altogether. now, come to the scores, my email has different test score and pdf shows different test scores, i don't know which test result to rely on. above all, was hoping for a better experience. :( after investing this much money.
PS: the site keeps loading when you click on result analysis and section wise performance, it doesn't show anything.


  • edited October 2015
    Copy pasting from what I wrote in an another thread. --

    Hello everyone.. I gave the first test of insights today..

    But while reviewing my answers, I found that in many of the questions, where I changed my option after marking a particularly option, did not get changed properly.It still showed the previous option that I marked in my review pdf.

    Got quite a few wrongs because of that. Anyone else experienced the same issue ?
    If yes, then I think we should report this.

    p.s. - Level of the questions was alright. But the site suffers from technical issues.
  • did your email score and pdf analysis differed? mine did. ;(
  • @hungry4more @RasAlGhul

    Sorry for the not so good experience. And thank you for appreciating quality of questions.

    We are working on issues you have raised. Yes, solutions were jumbled up. We are updating them and will provide updated version. This is our first online venture and it is not a third-party site, so some issues are being fixed. Your constructive inputs will help us address these issues.

    We promise to fix all issues and give better experience in your next test.
  • Please discontinue this thread. We can discuss the same thing in here ........ Let everything be under one umbrella.. Its a suggestion and also a request.
This discussion has been closed.


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