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Coaching classes/Test series for 2 to 3 months

Hi All, I have 2-3 months time and i wanted to prepare my optional subject - Geography. Pls let me know your thoughts whether i should 1) join test series and listen their discussion 2) join any coaching classes if available for 2-3 months. I searched and heard from many for Neetu Singh, Ajay Raj Singh, Vision, Majid, Vajiram etc. I myself thinking of joining test series and attend those discussion classes for 3 hour or so, but not sure which one is good to join. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.


  • it depends on your level of preparation...test series without preparation will not be of much use...
    As per ur second ques. I think Ajay Singh is better due to small batch size and personal attention and low fee.
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