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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • what is the date of next prelims??
    6 august 2016
    Not 6
    Its 7/8/2016

  • Hello
    Gm to everyone
    I m karishma chhabra
    Searching for group for sharing test series
    Of insight as u all know only one member can give online test in insight
    ....I will take test online so I will pay more share of money then others members ,

    Other members I will send PDF just after test

    We r now 3 members in group . searching for others
    If anyone intrested , pls contact me -
    Karishma chhabra
  • Afta consecutive pre failures ive become phobic of pre....lukin for back up now
  • Guys this was my 1st attempt.
    Pre failure hasnt broke my heart but i cannot study now,its like i have lost the will.
    Earlier i used to do shankar environ book in 3 days or spectrum modern history in 4 days,with good grip.
    Now i cannot do even 4 pages a day.

    Whenever i open a book,it feels like a rock to me ,i used to enjoy studying , but now ,even a comic book looks bore.
    What to do..
    if u don't mind, may i ask you what went wrong? did u prepare well. what was your attempt?

  • I hv failed in prelim thrice ive become bhobic of pre..dunno hw to handle dis d meanwhile im lukin for a back up thru ssc ibps...
  • Hello
    Gm to everyone
    I m karishma chhabra
    Searching for group for sharing test series
    Of insight as u all know only one member can give online test in insight
    ....I will take test online so I will pay more share of money then others members ,

    Other members I will send PDF just after test

    We r now 3 members in group . searching for others
    If anyone intrested , pls contact me -
    Karishma chhabra
    remove the prefix "IAS" from ur name...its idiotic.
  • I failed in UPSC 5th in a row ( Last attempt) in another words " I successfully gave my all attempts :D"...but I know my fault and I think whoever failed in this examination must knew their fault as well. I accepted it and I must say what UPSC gave it to me is PRICELESS.. It was a learning experience. When I met any person who qualified this exam,I always found something which is better in them,then in mine...which I tried to improve but somehow I couldn't. Now I am working in a LBSNAA dream is over and I admit it I am feeling very much sad but life goes on,I still follow ForumIas,Insight beacuse I feel good and see dreams which many young minds are seeing now.
  • are bhai extra attempt aur age milega iss baar 100%

    its not over yet.
  • Its
    Gm to everyone
    I m karishma chhabra
    Searching for group for sharing test series
    Of insight as u all know only one member can give online test in insight
    ....I will take test online so I will pay more share of money then others members ,

    Other members I will send PDF just after test

    We r now 3 members in group . searching for others
    If anyone intrested , pls contact me -
    Karishma chhabra
    remove the prefix "IAS" from ur name...its idiotic.
    Idiotic for u
    Not for me
    Sir ias gives me inspiration
    Its my dream
    Its give me will power

    Motivate me to do prepare well

    So its my point of view
    Even one has their own points of view
    Have a nice day sir
  • Its
    Gm to everyone
    I m karishma chhabra
    Searching for group for sharing test series
    Of insight as u all know only one member can give online test in insight
    ....I will take test online so I will pay more share of money then others members ,

    Other members I will send PDF just after test

    We r now 3 members in group . searching for others
    If anyone intrested , pls contact me -
    Karishma chhabra
    remove the prefix "IAS" from ur name...its idiotic.
    Idiotic for u
    Not for me
    Sir ias gives me inspiration
    Its my dream
    Its give me will power

    Motivate me to do prepare well

    So its my point of view
    Even one has their own points of view
    Have a nice day sir

    keep the motivation inside u..y to show off to the world..there are many who don't use this prefix even after becoming an IAS, and u are building castles in the air..unbecoming of a serious hawabazi. only foggg
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