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On choosing PS&IR optional


I'm thinking of taking PS&IR optional. But I am hearing a lot of discouraging popular opinions about PS&IR, and I was hoping someone would give me the true perspective. I have a rough idea of the subject from Wikipedia surfing over the years. I'm interested in the subject and willing to put in the effort. In particular, I'd be grateful if qualified seniors would give their opinions regarding the following popular opinions:

1. Popular opinion: PS&IR is more factual than conceptual and so involves lots of memorisation.
I don't have a great memory and this is a major concern. I would prefer an optional that is much more conceptual than factual and doesn't involve lots of memorisation. Does it satisfy the condition?

2. Popular opinion: PS&IR isn't scoring.
Is it scoring? What is the lowest optional score with which people have qualified in the past?

3. Popular opinion: PS&IR has a massive syllabus and so takes a lot of preparation time and so negatively effects GS.
While the syllabus and preparation time aren't a problem, the negative effect on GS may be. I would prefer an optional that has a less to moderate syllabus, takes less to moderate preparation time and doesn't significantly negatively effect GS. Does it fit the bill?

Finally, how does PS&IR compare in these respects with psychology and sociology? (I'm also considering choosing them.) I'd be grateful if someone could help me clear my confusion.

Thank you.
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