I'm a working professional, earlier had taken Socio as optional. 2016 would be my final attempt. Now I'm contemplating taking Geography as optional. While I have never had actual Socio marks in Mains to evaluate my answers, I still am not sure how much value add I can give in my answers to get the highest marks in Socio optional.
Hope other Geography optional candidates can give their views on the following pointers:
1. How much overlap with Prelims and GS 1 and 3 material?
2. How many hours of study would be sufficient to complete all base material? Looks like around 6 main reference books. 6 x ~400 pages => 2400 pages. 24 pages/hr => 100 hours. 3 revisions(quicker) => 100 hours
10 Years papers => 5 hours/paper (researching+writing) => 50 hours
Total: 250 hours. Please validate if this was your experience.
3. Please comment on how much value add from current affairs etc. can boost the marks.