The syllabus says that "political socialization and political economy approaches" need to be studied in detail. Different sources have left me confused on what exactly these are.
The scanned doc in Shubhra's notes claims that Political Economy approach is primarily an adjunct of the Marxist-Leninist approach. However there is also a "laissez-faire" approach as done by Smith and Ricardo. That's all.
IGNOU clubs the Marxist approach along with dependency theory in the "political economy approach"
Others club World Systems Theory, Dependency Theory, Modernization Theory into one "political development" approach along with other thinkers like Huntington etc. Shubhra's doc makes two seperate headings for "political development" and "political modernization"
The same doc calls "Structural-functional approach" as the "sociological approach" since it is inspired from anthropology and sociology. Infact, one of its chief criticisms is that it is more sociology less political science.
Other club the "political sociological" approach into a "political culture" approach. Still others also club "world systems", "modernization" and "dependency" into the sociological approach altogether.
Please clear this up, thank you.