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Philosophy Mains 2015 Preparation.



  • Question (descartes 1997): The idea of an all perfect, omnipotent being implies also that it He exists. Notes.
  • Guys, need help.

    Those who have given mains with philosophy, I have a question

    -Can we write in points??
    -Can we make flowcharts??
    -Can we make diagrams??

    Please answer guys! Waiting
  • edited November 2015
    yes you can. it will fatch more marks and these words will be count
  • Are the arguments given in favour of existance of Prakriti adequate in Samkhya's philosophy?
  • Explain the possibility of jivanmukti. Critically compare it with yoga account of Kaivalya.
    @proust @Neyawn @all
    what does critically compare mean?
  • @adiguru explain jivanmukti , go to yoga account of it and then say tat while other teories of jivan mukti are due to karmic theory, this one is due to discrimination between self and non self
  • why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???
  • edited December 2015
    why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???
    @rahul2609 I think its Plato. Acc to me, its because Plato established the basic distinction between mind and matter. They've been struggling with that ever since.

  • .
    why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???
    I think its Plato. Acc to me, its because Plato established the basic distinction between mind and matter. They've been struggling with that ever since.

    in patanjali test series ..they have asked aristotle..
  • .
    why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???
    I think its Plato. Acc to me, its because Plato established the basic distinction between mind and matter. They've been struggling with that ever since.

    in patanjali test series ..they have asked aristotle..
    No, its Plato, I checked it.
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