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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • My score is 99.33 General. How much r d chances
  • I have just done test with clearias
    my score 110.14
    rank 186 to 189

    total competents 1000

    they gave ITCZ for cyclones,i have put sst if thats correct then score will be 113 - 114
    what's chance for score 110 with OBC?

    I have considered all doubtful wrong....SST i am 90% sure but since ITCZ is given everywhere I consider it wrong.....CLear IAS key are similar to Vision IAS....Thats the best way to check your answers....In any case I will be scoring 110+ I think for OBC it will be enough
    reasons for sst to be correct

    still research going on and its controversial....better this Q was not asked....according to some websites its ITCZ, I accept..but would UPSC check websites?? it will go according to NCERT's and in NCERT sst was given as 1st reason..most probably examiner would have asked this question thinking about sst as answer as it was subject related question and not current affairs UPSC would not expect student to go through some sites(may be authenticated and relevant websites )...I feel this is a purely subject Q from ncert not from current affair,since as ncert stresses on MAY be correct answer..
  • My score is 99.33 General. How much r d chances
    Yaar seems to be less but You shd study hard....miracle can always happen.........and dont let other decide what u need to and study very hard,if GOD willing you will be in

  • clearias keys are quite authentic.they have worked on every question.but i feel cutoff may be high as per marks obtained by other students.
    As per 2014 polls of clearias,60th percentile and above made it to mains.till now 60th percentile stands at 101 marks.Last year seats were more.So cutoff this year is likely to be in range of 101-106.can be a bit low but less chances.
  • I have just done test with clearias
    my score 110.14
    rank 186 to 189

    total competents 1000

    they gave ITCZ for cyclones,i have put sst if thats correct then score will be 113 - 114
    what's chance for score 110 with OBC?

    I have considered all doubtful wrong....SST i am 90% sure but since ITCZ is given everywhere I consider it wrong.....CLear IAS key are similar to Vision IAS....Thats the best way to check your answers....In any case I will be scoring 110+ I think for OBC it will be enough
    not everywhere ITCZ was given...vajiram,forumais etc gave as sst. till now ichecked only shankar,vaji,forumias
  • @akashsi
    clearias keys are quite authentic.they have worked on every question.but i feel cutoff may be high as per marks obtained by other students.
    As per 2014 polls of clearias,60th percentile and above made it to mains.till now 60th percentile stands at 101 marks.Last year seats were more.So cutoff this year is likely to be in range of 101-106.can be a bit low but less chances.
    wrong...55th percentile had made last year...

    cut off wold be around 102

  • I had a word with many serious aspirants and have reached a conclusion that there seem to be very less chances of cutoff crossing 95.

    We can only assume. The data on which we are basing our assumption is neither complete nor true. I do not know why but people are inflating their scores. There are two type of inflations that I have personally noticed.
    1) People who are getting around 110 are inflating their scores to 125 because they are sure about their chances of clearing prelims and thus want to show off by quoting a higher number.
    2) Secondly, unfortunately, cutoff has become a social stigma. When one sees everybody getting around 100+, he/she inflates it to 100 to escape the stigma of being a 'low scorer' in the so called 'easy paper'.

    I am not denying the fact there are 110+ guys. There must be many, but they are not as many as we are witnessing around.

    I got 99-104. I am a veteran. Slogged the hardest I could have. Played safe and didn't take much risk. May be the score would have been higher had I taken risk and attempted more. But friends no regrets. Each mark that I am getting is a hard earned.

    UPSC can only decide whether I will become an IAS or not, it can not decide my fate. My hard work will decide my fate. With or without IAS, I will be better and more content that people like Roman Saini.

    Getting back to prep for mains. UPSC can defeat me in battle of prelims but not in the battle of dreams.
  • I have just done test with clearias
    my score 110.14
    rank 186 to 189

    total competents 1000

    they gave ITCZ for cyclones,i have put sst if thats correct then score will be 113 - 114
    what's chance for score 110 with OBC?

    I have considered all doubtful wrong....SST i am 90% sure but since ITCZ is given everywhere I consider it wrong.....CLear IAS key are similar to Vision IAS....Thats the best way to check your answers....In any case I will be scoring 110+ I think for OBC it will be enough
    not everywhere ITCZ was given...vajiram,forumais etc gave as sst. till now ichecked only shankar,vaji,forumias
    Bhai ek question se kya farq padta hain....I considered it wrong ,you also consider it....

    I created a new thread for OBCs too..... bhai for knowing is saal OBC ke kya haal hain
  • My score is 99.33 General. How much r d chances
    Yaar seems to be less but You shd study hard....miracle can always happen.........and dont let other decide what u need to and study very hard,if GOD willing you will be in

    as you say >=107 ,if that's true then OBC even with 110 has a reason to fear....I don't know but somehow i feel cutoff can't be >105......
  • for cabinet ..d supreme court custodian .cyclone itcz ,.convergence and babur only 3 if u r getting 100 pl u r in below it can go up to upsc knows better
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