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[CSE 2015] Result countdown and related discussions. Last lap.



  • I just wondered that going by my profile name, my state of mind after the interview is so much like the garbage dumps at fire all across the country in the simmering heat...;)
  • @phoenix2015 @misfit_doc bhai log pk joshi ji ka to pulse hi nahi pakda gaya mere se...he was smiling all the time...I'm not at all sure about how my pt went...seems average
  • edited April 2016
    there was one question which stumped me in stupor..

    give instances when india did not act as soft state as it did in kandhaar hijack and responded appropriately to terrorist acts

    i did say india is not a soft state but unfortunately could not support my answer with any examples, can anyone tell the answer
    Recently after a faction of NSCN(Khaplang) ambushed Indian army, we retaliated and went inside Myanmar's territory and killed some rebel terrorists and came back in a swift and precise strike.This was one of the rare moments.

    Edit: I see that someone else has answered the same and I think this was indeed one such moment. Though the chest thumping took it overboard.
  • Whosoever is getting PK Joshi board is coming out with a feeling that his/her interview has gone well. This situation is alarming.

  • @JohnSnow Yeah it is a fine example
  • I think cancelling of foreign secretary level talks after the Pakistani high commissioner invited Hurriyat leaders, could be another such example.

    Although the gamble did not actually pay off.
  • Someone asked a query that where to use that log in password. I am unable to tag him as O forgot who asked so here is the link where your uploaded health report will be present.
  • @Kachra David sir sat like a statue during my interview. Beech beech mein I kept glancing towards him to see if he has moved a little bit, but no!
    @mango_dolly Bhai your interview seems to have gone good. Thing is, you will not find a single person who has appeared in dkd board and come out with a satisfactory feeling! Even the transcripts of dkd interview are so similar! 20 mins interview...phrases like small small questions which are purely factual!
  • I left with a bad feeling after HC Gupta interview because after asking initial questions (mostly factual and trivial - I answered reasonably well) he was just on his computer the entire time. It only lasted max 20-25 minutes (but felt even shorter to me) and ended quite abruptly after the last member asked a random question about my optional that I was struggling on a little bit (it wasn´t a difficult question but a vague one and I think the member had a specific answer in mind).

    Will try to recall questions and post, but I more remember the feeling of the interview than the actual content
  • Hoping desperately to be pleasantly surprised like people who had HC Gupta last year and ended up with a decent score after an interview that didn~t feel like it went well
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