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[CSE 2015] Result countdown and related discussions. Last lap.



  • kaaju and biscuits to wahan aate hi rahte hai bhai :)
  • Hahha....yeah!!
  • Just 17 days left.....
  • Kaju is very high in cholesterol. I wonder why the intellectuals there keep binging on it.
    This time I ll advice them not to do so, being considerate to their health.
  • Kaju is very high in cholesterol. I wonder why the intellectuals there keep binging on it.
    This time I ll advice them not to do so, being considerate to their health.
    u r rite..isiliye log kaaju se FENI bana lete hai which removes cholestrol and comes with some added advantages
  • Yes yes.. But also, they binge on our brains, which has got some good cholesterol (though most of it is Hindu or Indian expressed flavored). I guess, that is how, they are beating the bad effect of Kaju.
  • @courage_upsc can u brief ur upsc journey till now :)
  • edited April 2016
    Friends, can someone kindly confirm, as of today, is the old LARR Bill with provisions of 80% consent and SIA is applicable.. becoz the amendments brought by NDA II through ordinance were made to lapse last year?

    So .. as of today the UPA II LARR is an act , while the NDA II amended LARR Bill is under consideration by Joint Committee of Parliament ??

    Appreciate your help
  • Friends, can someone kindly confirm, as of today, is the old LARR Bill with provisions of 80% consent and SIA is applicable.. becoz the amendments brought by NDA II through ordinance were made to lapse last year?

    So .. as of today the UPA II LARR is an act , while the NDA II amended LARR Bill is under consideration by Joint Committee of Parliament ??

    Appreciate your help
    Yup , upa act is applicabl
  • Sorry to interrupt the flow of thoughts here. But this thing has been giving sleepless nights to me for some time now. My interview was scheduled on 16th last month, David Sir's board.

    During the course of interview one of the members spotted a mistake in my DAF. I had filled in passing out year instead of the name of my school. He said that I had messed up and should have been more careful. I immediately apologized and conceded that this error shouldn't have crept in.

    Rest of the interview was fine, no other hiccups.

    I know its a blunder and would cost me. The question is how much?

    I have been trying to console myself with monologues on destiny and karma. I need solace, desperately...:I
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