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DOUBTS-General concepts, Coaching concepts, Book concepts, Any other concepts related to Philosophy



  • @proust
    how are patanjali printed notes?
    and is it necessary to buy both printed and class notes?
  • The class notes are exactly a copy of printed ones. However, you should take a look at both of them before deciding.
  • What is
    marxist humanism
    liberal humanism
    difference between them?
  • Hegels view stands on its head; it must be turned right side up again?

    what is the demand of this question
    dialectical method or dialectical materialism
  • ^You can answer this question taking two views.
    1)Kierkigaard's view
    2)Taking Marx' view(Patanjali tells this only)

    Good luck for mains.
  • edited November 2015
    I think, in a Hegel's Absolute , the individual was lost in the absolute and the teleology of cause.
    so we have to contrast it with:
    - Existential critique of speculative metaphysics which focussed on particulars
  • Explain Kierkegaard’s concept of choice. How does the concept of choice in metaethics differ from normative ethics? Explain

    koi bhalaa aadmi iska jawab de sakta hai kya??
  • why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???

    @proust @anonymous20 @Chomuphilosopher
  • why entire western philosophy is called footnotes of aristotle philosophy???

    @proust @anonymous20 @Chomuphilosopher
    Bro its footnote of plato not aristo
    go through Thilly(plato) you will get your answer as I dont have any standard answer for this question
  • Anyone
    Pls explain the Plato's theory of participation and fallacy of third man
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