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Amazing coincidents and/or supernatural events in ur life



  • edited September 2015
    once upon a time i was desperate to know about civil services and how to go for it. I searched everywhere, visited ORN and MN ,looked upon the sign boards of different coaching classes like a child looking at the sweet on a sweetshop, tried to interact with people there, to know how a aspirants life moves on, never had the courage to ask anyone...........finally one day i stumbled upon is said that if you search something from heart you get it finally......thank you forumias...that was the amazing coincidence in my life.. :))
  • edited September 2015
    Is pasting scripts of ghost movie allowed..
    . :D
    When I was a kid i used to watch aahat on sony.. . Those nights were some of the scariest night of my life... #:-S
  • During childhood I was sleeping in relatives place in a country side. I woke up at night only to see a very tall ghost moving around the house. I covered my face with the blanket in fear and slept. I was sure then that I did see a ghost. Now i think it was just hallucination due to fear and also I was reading gullivers travels at school during that time. :P
    Very scary ..indeed... :P
  • This thread is going to give me sleepless nights. 8-X
  • Is pasting scripts of ghost movie allowed..
    . :D
    When I was a kid i used to watch aahat on sony.. . Those nights were some of the scariest night of my life... #:-S
    aahat se darawana anhoni or X zone aata tha :)
    Anhoni dekha hai humne... it was after aahat i guess... no idea about x zone...
    But the intial impression on the childs mind was daunting and haunting... 8-X
  • Zee horror show nahi dekha kya..n that music X_X
  • Is pasting scripts of ghost movie allowed..
    . :D
    When I was a kid i used to watch aahat on sony.. . Those nights were some of the scariest night of my life... #:-S
    i loved aahat stories. 8-X
  • Is pasting scripts of ghost movie allowed..
    . :D
    When I was a kid i used to watch aahat on sony.. . Those nights were some of the scariest night of my life... #:-S
    i loved aahat stories. 8-X
    Lol ..You loved aahat... :-O ..humari to dekhne me jaan nikal jaati thi... X_X
  • Is pasting scripts of ghost movie allowed..
    . :D
    When I was a kid i used to watch aahat on sony.. . Those nights were some of the scariest night of my life... #:-S
    i loved aahat stories. 8-X
    Lol ..You loved aahat... :-O ..humari to dekhne me jaan nikal jaati thi... X_X
    yes. :P sochke dekho. tum vi wo darauni wali feelings se pyar karte ho. isiliye darne ke bad vi aahat dekhte the. :D
  • Been to bhangarh...we were 3 people..found no ghosts... there's a banyan tree in the complex full of langurs..that the only scary thing..still we took turns to take a swing like mowgli on banyan roots..

    We were scared but found nothing and yes we didnt take any alcohol before entering..only after the trip.
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