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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • rate of growth of GDP wale ka kya lagaye ho bhai log..B option..steadily increase sahi hoga shayad..absolut terms me to increase hi hua hai.. @DrKingSchultz kya kahte ho??
  • N obc ka koi law change nahi hua hai regarding prelims stage..last year people scored good n that's why difference was low..this time also it is going to be low...
  • rate of growth of GDP wale ka kya lagaye ho bhai log..B option..steadily increase sahi hoga shayad..absolut terms me to increase hi hua hai.. @DrKingSchultz kya kahte ho??
    Bhai sahi hai tumhara kyu doubt kar rae ho ....doubt tax-gdp vaale me hai
  • edited September 2015
    .final answers:
    tax -gdp - only2
    gdp increase - none.
  • @magnus

    close matlab kitna close?
  • cut off - 106. take it or suck it.
    Hi Ghuspaith_22, saw score of a guy(190+) sharing the same name as urs on clear IAS..
  • About forest partnership wala question answer is all correct here is the proof ..and 100% sahi h..
    First read this
    The Carbon Fund will remunerate the selected countries in accordance with negotiated contracts for verifiably reducing emissions more than in the reference scenario. The Carbon Fund’s payments are intended to provide an incentive to the recipient countries and the various stakeholders—including forest-dependent indigenous peoples, other forest dwellers or the private sector—within each of these countries, to achieve long-term sustainability in financing forest conservation and management programs. This would help reduce the negative impact on the global climate from the loss and impoverishment of forests
    Here note the point STAKE HOLDERS
    HERE IS reference
    A range of stakeholders from the
    Government (National Assembly, departments, ministries), Research Institutes (National Agriculture and
    Forestry Research Institute, Faculty of Forestry, National University of Laos), International organizations (World Bank, ADB, FAO,
    WFP), Donor agencies (SIDA, JICA, GTZ, SDC, Finland), NGOs (WWF, IUCN, WCS,
    CIDSE, JVC) and private sector were consulted through interviews and workshops when
    preparing the R-PP.
    And here. Is the above link
    So all correct
    Bhai logo batao
  • cut off - 106. take it or suck it.
    Hi Ghuspaith_22, saw score of a guy(190+) sharing the same name as urs on clear IAS..
    Yeah i too noticed that :D
  • close from lesser side or greater side

  • cut off - 106. take it or suck it.
    Hi Ghuspaith_22, saw score of a guy(190+) sharing the same name as urs on clear IAS..
    plagiarism, may be?
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