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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • What is the answer for tropical cylones in south Atlantic and pacific??
    answer is absence of land
  • @sandrokottos ruk sakti hai agar intake 50-60 k ho to
  • By going through the question papers of 2013, 14 and 15 Prelims,
    Here's my two cents about the cut-off.

    2013 was 241
    Four types of score trends were conspicuous among people who cleared prelims,
    1. Good in GS(above 120) and CSAT(above 150)
    2. Moderate in GS(above 90) and Good in CSAT(above 150)
    3. Kinda Weak in GS(above 70) and Extremely Good in CSAT(above 180)
    4. Moderate in GS(above 100-120) and Moderate in CSAT(120-150)

    Lets eliminate csat scores and try to arrive at an average of the above four categories,
    Assuming approximately 7000 students made it to mains,
    Gauging the difficulty of the paper,

    1.A score of above 120 in GS required Complete basic and analytical knowledge of static part(through with all ncerts) and factual knowledge of dynamic part.
    a. 150 people out of top 500 ranks from cse 2012.
    b. Senior Players approx 850 who couldnt make it to interview or final list of 2012.
    c. 1000 new serious candidates who could have worked hard for one complete year.
    That would be around 2000 candidates with a score of above 120.

    2. remaining 5000 candidates would mostly be the semi-serious type or who couldnt prepare well enough for any reason. Starting from 120 marks and Assuming a loss of one mark for every 100 candidates, Theoretically the cut off should be 70 marks for GS. But in reality its a little higher and happens so due to the difficulty level. The difficulty level can be assessed by number of questions that can be solved directly from the static part, because most of the new candidates/semi serious types tend to read TMH or any factual notes. The analytical power which can derived from dedicated study of ncert's will be lacking in them.

    3. The number of questions which can be solved from TMH or any such types range between 40 to 50 for 2013. Assuming on an average they got 45 correct, around 5 to 10 guesses, and remaining wrong(most of the new candidates tend to attend atleast 85 to 90 questions contributing to negative marking). There the best case can be 110 and the worst case can be around 80ish type. Therefore around 80 would have been the cut-off if there was no csat.

    Corollary: The cut-off for only GS 1 will always be around 20 marks less than marks obtained by semi serious candidates after solving questions which are direct/easy/factual in nature.

    Similar trend can be observed in 2014, the number of questions which could be solved easily went down from 40 - 50 to 30 to 40. The difficulty level of CSAT was higher than 2013, therefore 120ish can be the average csat score of the candidates who cleared prelims,
    Cut off was 206, removing 120 from it, Theoretically the GS cut off should have been 86, but instead it would have gone still lower by virtue of the above mentioned corollary. The cut-off would have been any where between 60 to 70.

    Now lets come back to 2015,

    1. On an Average, Number of Questions Serious candidates could solve easily (150 from from cse 2014, 850 from seniors and 1000 from new serious types) were,

    1.Jan Dhan, 2.Fin Comm, 3.Fortaleza 4.trop cyclone 5. east and west states 6. DPSP 7. IIP
    8.NIF 9.nitro ferti 10.iucn and cites 11. frp 12. equatorial cc 13. pilgrimage 14. rowlatt 15. ebola 16. fly ash 17. dugong 18. economic critics 19. global economic prospects 20. slr 21. nanotech 22. agro produce 23.national aqua animal 24. Cong soc party 25. RS 26. goi 1919 act 27. cpi iw 28. icecube 29.ioa 30.nfc 31.golan 32. rupee conv 33. godavari 34.Joint Sit 35. mang, everG and decid forest 36. buddha 37. montreal 38. rio+20 39.medieval state40. niti 41. PM exec power 42. goldilock 43. salt law 44. harihara 45. cong pres 46.Green climate fund 47. ISRO 48. cabinet mission 49.namdhapa 50. amnesty 51. rock cut elephant 52. fuedal 53. bio carbon 54. east asia 55. steel import 56. schedules 57.budget 58. custodian 59. mekong ganga 60. basel iii 61. westerlies 62. IORARC 63. swadeshi 64. meghalaya 65. tides 66.irs 67. wet everG 68. Indaarc 69. forest carb part 70.odia 71. birdlife 72. teak 73. beijing 74.equatorial 75. leg council 76. Fund Duty 78. ecosystem 79. panchayati 80.monetary policy 81. inflation 82.npt 83. welfare state 84. capt aug 85.Parl system 86.H1N1 87.biotoilet 88.liquidity 89.fuel cell 90.seed village 91. gi 92. deficit 93.ireda

    Assuming an average overall correctness of 70%, that is 65 questions and 40%(28) wrong.
    The last score of the above 2000 students would be 111.52

    2. for the remaining 5000 students lets apply the marks of easy questions minus 20.
    1. Jan Dhan 2.Fin Comm 3.trop cyc 4. east and west 5. DPSP 6.IIP 7. Nitro 8. iucn 9. rowlatt 10. ebola 11. slr 12. nanotech 13.agro produce 14.natl aqua animal 15. Cong soc party 16. RS 17. goi 1919 act 18.nfc 19. rupee conv 20. godavari 21.Joint Sit 22. mang, everG and decid forest 23. buddha 24. montreal 25. rio+20 26. niti 27. PM exec power 28. salt law 29. harihara 30. cong pres 31.Green climate fund 32. ISRO 33. cabinet mission 34. amnesty 35. rock cut elephant 36. fuedal 37. steel import 38. schedules 39.budget 40. custodian 41. westerlies 42. swadeshi 43. meghalaya 44. tides 45.irs 46. wet everG 47.odia 48. teak 49.equatorial 50. leg council 51. Fund Duty 52. ecosystem 53. panchayati 54.monetary policy 55. inflation 56.npt 57. welfare state 58. capt aug 59.Parl system 60.H1N1 61.biotoilet 62.liquidity 63.fuel cell 64. gi 65. deficit
    Assuming 70% accuracy of 65 Q,
    a.95 marks - 10 marks(corollary) = 85 marks or
    b.91marks - 30% wrong = 78.6

    Cut-off will be between 78 and 85 marks for general category .
    maine ye sab nahi padha. but hatsoff tour effort.
    agar kahi se chepa hai phir bhi hats off
  • What is the answer for tropical cylones in south Atlantic and pacific??
    answer is absence of land
    Tropical cyclone develop over water and not land
  • My experience say Cut off will be least 105 for general........
    At most 105 for general. Right now, it seems like this paper is at same toughness level as 2014 paper.
    The way @Krispy has come down to atmost 105 after being absolutely sure of cutoff being >110 last night shows the beauty of this exam. ;)
  • Cabinet Mission answer.
    Map 1
    The Cabinet Mission proposal for an
    Indian federation with three sections

    Page no. 390 NCERT new
  • What is the answer for tropical cylones in south Atlantic and pacific??
    Sea surface temperature
    Answer cannot be ITCZ seldom occurs
    But must be between sea surface and coriolis force but what srirams geography tutor taught is that ITCZ narrow and coriolis force weak
    Hence most appropriate answer must be CF WEAK
  • By going through the question papers of 2013, 14 and 15 Prelims,
    Here's my two cents about the cut-off.

    2013 was 241
    Four types of score trends were conspicuous among people who cleared prelims,
    1. Good in GS(above 120) and CSAT(above 150)
    2. Moderate in GS(above 90) and Good in CSAT(above 150)
    3. Kinda Weak in GS(above 70) and Extremely Good in CSAT(above 180)
    4. Moderate in GS(above 100-120) and Moderate in CSAT(120-150)

    Lets eliminate csat scores and try to arrive at an average of the above four categories,
    Assuming approximately 7000 students made it to mains,
    Gauging the difficulty of the paper,

    1.A score of above 120 in GS required Complete basic and analytical knowledge of static part(through with all ncerts) and factual knowledge of dynamic part.
    a. 150 people out of top 500 ranks from cse 2012.
    b. Senior Players approx 850 who couldnt make it to interview or final list of 2012.
    c. 1000 new serious candidates who could have worked hard for one complete year.
    That would be around 2000 candidates with a score of above 120.

    2. remaining 5000 candidates would mostly be the semi-serious type or who couldnt prepare well enough for any reason. Starting from 120 marks and Assuming a loss of one mark for every 100 candidates, Theoretically the cut off should be 70 marks for GS. But in reality its a little higher and happens so due to the difficulty level. The difficulty level can be assessed by number of questions that can be solved directly from the static part, because most of the new candidates/semi serious types tend to read TMH or any factual notes. The analytical power which can derived from dedicated study of ncert's will be lacking in them.

    3. The number of questions which can be solved from TMH or any such types range between 40 to 50 for 2013. Assuming on an average they got 45 correct, around 5 to 10 guesses, and remaining wrong(most of the new candidates tend to attend atleast 85 to 90 questions contributing to negative marking). There the best case can be 110 and the worst case can be around 80ish type. Therefore around 80 would have been the cut-off if there was no csat.

    Corollary: The cut-off for only GS 1 will always be around 20 marks less than marks obtained by semi serious candidates after solving questions which are direct/easy/factual in nature.

    Similar trend can be observed in 2014, the number of questions which could be solved easily went down from 40 - 50 to 30 to 40. The difficulty level of CSAT was higher than 2013, therefore 120ish can be the average csat score of the candidates who cleared prelims,
    Cut off was 206, removing 120 from it, Theoretically the GS cut off should have been 86, but instead it would have gone still lower by virtue of the above mentioned corollary. The cut-off would have been any where between 60 to 70.

    Now lets come back to 2015,

    1. On an Average, Number of Questions Serious candidates could solve easily (150 from from cse 2014, 850 from seniors and 1000 from new serious types) were,

    1.Jan Dhan, 2.Fin Comm, 3.Fortaleza 4.trop cyclone 5. east and west states 6. DPSP 7. IIP
    8.NIF 9.nitro ferti 10.iucn and cites 11. frp 12. equatorial cc 13. pilgrimage 14. rowlatt 15. ebola 16. fly ash 17. dugong 18. economic critics 19. global economic prospects 20. slr 21. nanotech 22. agro produce 23.national aqua animal 24. Cong soc party 25. RS 26. goi 1919 act 27. cpi iw 28. icecube 29.ioa 30.nfc 31.golan 32. rupee conv 33. godavari 34.Joint Sit 35. mang, everG and decid forest 36. buddha 37. montreal 38. rio+20 39.medieval state40. niti 41. PM exec power 42. goldilock 43. salt law 44. harihara 45. cong pres 46.Green climate fund 47. ISRO 48. cabinet mission 49.namdhapa 50. amnesty 51. rock cut elephant 52. fuedal 53. bio carbon 54. east asia 55. steel import 56. schedules 57.budget 58. custodian 59. mekong ganga 60. basel iii 61. westerlies 62. IORARC 63. swadeshi 64. meghalaya 65. tides 66.irs 67. wet everG 68. Indaarc 69. forest carb part 70.odia 71. birdlife 72. teak 73. beijing 74.equatorial 75. leg council 76. Fund Duty 78. ecosystem 79. panchayati 80.monetary policy 81. inflation 82.npt 83. welfare state 84. capt aug 85.Parl system 86.H1N1 87.biotoilet 88.liquidity 89.fuel cell 90.seed village 91. gi 92. deficit 93.ireda

    Assuming an average overall correctness of 70%, that is 65 questions and 40%(28) wrong.
    The last score of the above 2000 students would be 111.52

    2. for the remaining 5000 students lets apply the marks of easy questions minus 20.
    1. Jan Dhan 2.Fin Comm 3.trop cyc 4. east and west 5. DPSP 6.IIP 7. Nitro 8. iucn 9. rowlatt 10. ebola 11. slr 12. nanotech 13.agro produce 14.natl aqua animal 15. Cong soc party 16. RS 17. goi 1919 act 18.nfc 19. rupee conv 20. godavari 21.Joint Sit 22. mang, everG and decid forest 23. buddha 24. montreal 25. rio+20 26. niti 27. PM exec power 28. salt law 29. harihara 30. cong pres 31.Green climate fund 32. ISRO 33. cabinet mission 34. amnesty 35. rock cut elephant 36. fuedal 37. steel import 38. schedules 39.budget 40. custodian 41. westerlies 42. swadeshi 43. meghalaya 44. tides 45.irs 46. wet everG 47.odia 48. teak 49.equatorial 50. leg council 51. Fund Duty 52. ecosystem 53. panchayati 54.monetary policy 55. inflation 56.npt 57. welfare state 58. capt aug 59.Parl system 60.H1N1 61.biotoilet 62.liquidity 63.fuel cell 64. gi 65. deficit
    Assuming 70% accuracy of 65 Q,
    a.95 marks - 10 marks(corollary) = 85 marks or
    b.91marks - 30% wrong = 78.6

    Cut-off will be between 78 and 85 marks for general category .
    Abe 2 cent apne paas Rakh
  • edited August 2015
    president takes oath to defend the constitution and he defends in times of emergency... he is also made the supreme commander of forces for assistance..
    oath is mentioned in a schedule... the primary purpose of schedules is the flexibility to change the miscellaneous things in them at will...
    in normal times, as per articles he has to obey council of ministers even for declaring emergency...
    now what if cabinet modifies president's oath and removes the defend word from it?
    if the custodian himself can't stop from being changed from his position... how can he defend the constitution?
    he may reject such bill but he can even be impeached and then amend with new titular head.
    this is where sc comes into rescue, invalidating the bill if required, thus thereby acting as a custodian of the constitution.
    parliament can atmost impeach a sc judge but cannot change sc position.
    they can't appoint a titular cji too... don't bring njac into it now
    thanks for your patience... you are free to counter and discuss this opinion for the sake of mains... not to prove prelims question
  • breaking news : Krispy = Roman Saini
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