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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • no fall in the standards of upsc. this is because an exam is an exam. if we find it factual and not up to the previous 'established' standards, then it is our perception. the challenge is to rise up to the demand of the exam, however ridiculous it may be, because exam aside, even the life is not fair. pray and enjoy.
  • cutoff,,,,,,94......result out in 1st week of October......
  • I really felt insulted after seeing the question paper..especially Basel,jan dhan,wto,ebola qn.But managed to score 125+ according to Vajiram & 130+ according to shankar's..I really felt that questions were relatively easier than last year, in which i managed to score 78..So definitely this year's paper was easy..
    Remember that this is one of the toughest exams in terms of cut off maybe above 100 but less than 110..It's a possibility..
    and why are some people trying to twist the questions in such a way as to suit their answers.. someone over here claimed that IUCN is an agency of the UN..& why on earth would UPSC change the answer to a question that was asked last year..wouldn't that be tantamount to admitting that they made a horrendous mistake last year?...
    >:P >:P
  • yaar vaji ka authentic key ka link dena. i mean vaji ka official key ka
  • I really felt insulted after seeing the question paper..especially Basel,jan dhan,wto,ebola qn.But managed to score 125+ according to Vajiram & 130+ according to shankar's..I really felt that questions were relatively easier than last year, in which i managed to score 78..So definitely this year's paper was easy..
    Remember that this is one of the toughest exams in terms of cut off maybe above 100 but less than 110..It's a possibility..
    and why are some people trying to twist the questions in such a way as to suit their answers.. someone over here claimed that IUCN is an agency of the UN..& why on earth would UPSC change the answer to a question that was asked last year..wouldn't that be tantamount to admitting that they made a horrendous mistake last year?...
    >:P >:P
    Smart jackass , stfu!!
  • cutoff 92-95
    iss se jyada nahi hoga. :D \m/
  • Hello, last year OBC cut was just 1 marks less than general , which was in contrast to cutoffs of 2011,12,13 where difference went upto 25 marks...does anyone hav any idea y this happened last year or it was just that OBC's performed better....was the JAT issue somehow related.....kindly throw sm light
    Jat issue was related to some extent. Why digging it now? It is past. Done n gone. Sc gave it burial.
  • Look people nobody knows what the cutoff would be and everybody has a guess and I think that's absolutely fine to have one. But its also imp here to have belief in yourself and your own estimate of marks, cutoff etc rather than getting anxious over what others think..
    like for me, I ve made an estimate on the difficulty level of questions by taking a sample survey and results and analysis have been as follows:
    Easy - 29
    Moderate - 48
    Difficult - 23
    Assuming that had the whole paper been easy cutoff would have hovered around 120-130 (due to inherent tendency of humans to commit errors being unavoidable); and had it been moderate, we would say 100 and for a completely difficult paper 75-80 would have been a par score. Analyzing it this way, [40% of (23*2) + 50% of (48*2) + 60% of (29*2)]/2 should give us a fair idea of the cutoff.

    P.S. just a mental exercise to obtain cutoff to some acceptable levels! No disturbing estimation intended!
  • What is this happening? 14 direct questions came from GS ENERGY magazine issues of 2015 by Patanjali..How could this happen..I mean so many questions from single magazine..This time thieves have made paper..
  • Hello, last year OBC cut was just 1 marks less than general , which was in contrast to cutoffs of 2011,12,13 where difference went upto 25 marks...does anyone hav any idea y this happened last year or it was just that OBC's performed better....was the JAT issue somehow related.....kindly throw sm light
    Jat issue was related to some extent. Why digging it now? It is past. Done n gone. Sc gave it burial.
    Nai I jst wanted to knw if smthing specific led to such low difference or not....which might clear k again this year d difference could be of 10-12 marks.
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