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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • "VCHEN">Why calm belt near equator is answer is because generally equatorial counter current are "wind driven" .... Wind is influenced by rotation of earth ...but eastward flow is made because there is no strong wind to obstruct its eastward flow ... If there is wind def it will get piled up in west part rather flowing eastwards inspire of rotation of earth ...
    Then why not in Indian ocean

    Dude how long a current flow without any external influence ...? If answer is rotation of earth ...then counter current should flow throughtout the equator ...your question is ur answer .... As there is absence of any wind to obstruct flows eastward to certain distance ....later it just vanishes

    I am telling about convergence not rotation

    I sent a link in my previous comment u can check ... Anyways discussions are good indeed :)

    rotation of earth must be right

    how convergence of two equatorial currents can be correct ...what are those currents ? they are asking the reason for one of the two currents then how the answer can be convergence of two equatorial currents :s

    They are asking counter equitorial current ..
    Not one of those ..

    When north and south equitorial current converges then couner equitorial current comes into picture

  • getting 99.33 frm vaji gen category...any chance??
    You have good chances. Start preparation for mains.
  • edited August 2015
    Okk since ppl have time to clarify doubts...could u take some time and tell me the answer regarding

    1.The fundamental object of Panchayati Raj system is to ensure which among the following?

    People’s participation in development
    Political accountability
    Democratic decentralization
    Financial mobilization
    Select the correct answer using the code given below

    1, 2 and 3 only
    2 and 4 only
    1 and 3 only
    1, 2, 3 and 4

    2. What explains the eastward flow of the equatorial counter-current?

    a) The Earth’s rotation on its axis
    b) Convergence of the two equatorial currents
    c) Difference in salinity of water
    d) Occurrence of the belt of calm near equator

    Could someone give the answers along with the explanations plz

    for panchayat raj, answer would be D) all 1,2,3 and 4. Financial decentralization is as important as the decentralization of power. Decentralization in india was started by English guys like Mayo, Rippon. Of those reforms Mayo's Financial decentralization was greatly appreciated at that time. In fact without financial decentralization, people's participation is fucking meaningless! So it is fundamental to panchayatiRaj(Decentralization) too.

    For counter current, earth rotation cant be the answer. Specific answer would be convergence of currents only.

    Also for GoI 1919 act, its none of these option D is correct. I am very sure about that. The words defined clearly is the key there. 1919 act did not define the separation clealy. Act 1935 only did that.

    Brother! Dont u think financial decentralization and mobilization are different things....

    Further i thinks financial mobilization means bank like job...correct me if i m wrong
    @sahilray1990 of course both are same. Financial Decentralization eases the flow of money (Mobilization) of money and there by increasing the efficiency of governments' spending (Reducting wastages) . Thats the oly reason why British accepted for decentralization.
  • This site should be banned
  • guys...please help...i am getting 112 from vajiram and 114 from shankar key....please tell my chances of passing...?...really sarcasm entertained...high stakes involved...
    100% sure sir..dont worry..Cut off will not be more than 105 in any csse.

  • Cut off will not be less than 100 but not be more than 105..
    Plz shorten the window....I predict it to be 101 to 103.....lolzzzz....anyone out there who could cut my window???...hehe
  • i got 90 from OBC what are the chances
  • guys...please advice...i am getting 112 according to vajiram and 114 from shankar....what are my odds?....
    or else i should go do my masters degree...

    give me a percentage of my odds?like 45 or 55%..

    any honest reply shall be really appreciated

  • "VCHEN">Why calm belt near equator is answer is because generally equatorial counter current are "wind driven" .... Wind is influenced by rotation of earth ...but eastward flow is made because there is no strong wind to obstruct its eastward flow ... If there is wind def it will get piled up in west part rather flowing eastwards inspire of rotation of earth ...
    Then why not in Indian ocean

    Dude how long a current flow without any external influence ...? If answer is rotation of earth ...then counter current should flow throughtout the equator ...your question is ur answer .... As there is absence of any wind to obstruct flows eastward to certain distance ....later it just vanishes

    I am telling about convergence not rotation

    I sent a link in my previous comment u can check ... Anyways discussions are good indeed :)

    rotation of earth must be right

    how convergence of two equatorial currents can be correct ...what are those currents ? they are asking the reason for one of the two currents then how the answer can be convergence of two equatorial currents :s

    They are asking counter equitorial current ..
    Not one of those ..

    When north and south equitorial current converges then couner equitorial current comes into picture

    They are asking why it is flowing eastwards?? Not about counter current formation .... I think here we should stop discussion lol ...fine I marked D that's it regarding cut off ............................................................................ Gud night
  • With reference to the Cabinet Mission, which of the following statements is/are
    (1) It recommended a federal government.
    (2) It enlarged the powers of the Indian courts.
    (3) It provided for more Indians in the ICS.
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
    (a) 1 only
    (b) 2 and 3 only
    (c) 1 and 3 only
    (d) None

    most of keys are saying option A is correct, but cabinet mission didn't recommend federal government (2 tier structure) but a three tier structure- provincial, section and union level. so answer should be D in my opinion.
    reference:- spectrum- page 230- first line
    completely agree. None of these is the answer.

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